An Idiot's Guide to Dreaming
This is just an amazing site. I am surprised I never ran across it in my Coil searches on the net.
Monday, January 23, 2006
An Idiot's Guide to Dreaming
Posted by
Chris Hopper
3:52 AM
Sunday, January 22, 2006
just a little try
Wow! I am blogging from my browser in Flock. This new browser looks really cool, and it has a blog command built right in to the toolbar. Once the blog pop-up screen appears you have most of the same options you do from the post blog section on Blogger's website. I don't know how it works with other blogging online tools, but it detected Blogger and my settings very quickly. It also has the add favorites command built into the location bar along with the new universal feed sign for rss, atom and more. I personally prefer this set up over Safari's because it is more visually striking and more practical for my comfort. Also the Goggle search feature from Safari has been improved as well. The search in Flock has Yahoo, Google,, Ebay, Technorati, Wikipedia, and wink already built, but it also allows you add from a large list of other engines. I not done much surfing with Flock yet, but so far I am really impressed with the features. I am finding new ones constantly and really loving them. I am writing this on my laptop, but I can't wait to use this browser with a good mouse.
Posted by
Chris Hopper
3:31 AM
Monday, January 16, 2006
Coil Interview
I was just going through some of my magazines the other day and ran across a Coil interview in bOINGbOING. I really used to love the magazine. The website is a good replacement since the print version went away. I contacted Mark Frauenfelder regarding reprinting the interview on my blog the other day, and he informed me the interviewer Jessica Wing had passed away last year. He has given permission to reprint the article, and I would like to thank him and offer my condolences for the loss of a good friend.
Posted by
Chris Hopper
10:22 PM
It has been a while since the last post. I was really busy last week with a lot of closing shifts at work and the purchase of an iBook. The iBook was a mutual Anniversary gift between Tammy and myself. We had to get acquainted with OS 10.4.4 which was fun and cool. I hope to get Tiger installed on my old iMac soon, but they network fine for now so I am not to worried. I got a case for the laptop today, as well as a new wireless G router from D-Link. I had a tough time installing it because I couldn't get to the web address to configure the user data. It is working well now, so the trouble is worth it. The iMacs haven't seen much improvement because they are 802.11b, but the laptop with 802.11g is much faster on the net now. Though this post is still on my desktop I am sure I will be doing a lot of posting from the iBook in the future. I love the concept of being able to post from anywhere.
Posted by
Chris Hopper
10:09 PM
Sunday, January 08, 2006
I just wanted to take time to put up the postcards Sleazy sent me with the ANS prints. I really like the postcard from Berlin. I just now got to hear a sample of "The Threshold Houseboy Choir" material and it is very impressive. I am going to try to order the compilation his work appeared on this week.
Posted by
Chris Hopper
3:37 PM
new mini podcast
I have just put together another sample of my Informational Terrorism Transmissions material. Most of it is old work from Isolationist Soundscapes, but the last two tracks are relativly new. The last track is a re-worked version of my first sound design incorporating the Schumann Resonance.
Posted by
Chris Hopper
3:23 PM
Friday, January 06, 2006
time is not on my side
Today was a good day! I got a package in the mail from Sleazy from Coil. In the package were prints from the ANS boxed set and a few interesting signed postcards. I have to go to work early today so I have not had a chance to scan anything in yet, but I will be posting images of what I got. I still have not had an opportunity to review any of the material I have received within the past few months, but hopefully I will have some time to do it this week.
Posted by
Chris Hopper
2:41 PM
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Here is a nifty little American Gothic-esqe photo of us from a couple of years ago. I just wanted to post it for our anniverary... I thought it might be nice :)
Posted by
Chris Hopper
3:58 PM
time trials
Today is mine and Tammy's 8th Anniversary. Being married to her has been the greatest thing ever. I never get tired of spending each and every available waking hour with her. She is my best friend, and has always been unbelievably supportive through my crazy mood swings and freak outs. We are hoping to get a new laptop this weekend for each other as a mutual present. I am so excited. We can make music anywhere! I call this post time trials because I have spent the last week working on my typing. It has been fun and I am progressing nicely. I have been unable to spend anytime with my web design or music this week because any free moment I have had I have been using typing tutors to help increase my speed. I'll be up to 60 wpm in no time.
Posted by
Chris Hopper
3:41 PM