We tried to plan for this... we really did. We booked our hotel weeks in advance; requested the required days off; we packed our luggage days in advance based on practical lists; but no amount of preparation could get us ready for the drive. We were really looking forward to the drive. It was going to be the longest trip we had taken by ourselves, and we were determined to enjoy it. One thing got in the way, though, sleep deprivation.
It is really a challenge to travel sometimes being night shift employees. We had the plan of starting the trip at 8 a.m. Friday morning. That way we would get to our room at about check in time at the hotel...3pm. We had not counted on the fact that there was no way in the world we would be able to get to sleep after work. It had been a consideration, but we thought a full belly and couple of drinks might be enough to knock us out. We were wrong. We end up staying up all night in anticipation for our journey. We get the GPS (kindly donated for the trip by my Mom) and map directions ready, pack up and move out.
Everything seems fine at first, but as we approach Columbus we run into a funeral on the interstate at a merge. Like a good motorist I pull over to let the procession pass, but when it is over I end up being stuck on the side of the road with nobody giving an inch to let me back onto the interstate... hence panic attack!
I finally calm down, but by the time I do we realize the battery life of the GPS was going to expire before we hit Columbus with no way to charge it. We get off on an exit to try to assess how we are going to proceed to our destination. Thankfully there was a Radio Shack to by a charger for the GPS. This would not have been a problem if we hadn't already deviated from the printed yahoo map in favor of the directions dictated to us by the GPS.
Well, we hook up the charger and all is well. It seemed to be working and we move onwards. After a little while we begin to notice that we are heading south again. After pulling over and investigating it turns out the GPS had re-routed us home. After re-programming the device a couple more times we finally get back on target. This little detour cost us more time than we could afford, so we kept going without stopping to eat. Man... we were irritable.
One really great thing happened on the trip there, though. As we got deep into Pennsylvania we entered a a tunnel. This tunnel was absolutely amazing, and seemed to go on for miles. After traveling through it for what seemed like 5 minutes or so I could literally see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it looked like we were approaching a bridge. As we came into the light from out of the tunnel we suddenly became overwhelmed by the presence of gorgeous skyscrapers all around us. I though we would by-pass down town Pittsburgh all together, but with out warning we were given an amazing spectacle. It was absolutely amazing.
We finally made it to our rooms and were able to rest for a few minutes before we had to get to the convention. Later I will get to day one of the convention, but this is the story of the trip up. Exhausting... it taught us not to rely on a GPS as a primary source for directions, and no matter how far it will set you back on time, get a bite to eat. Lessons learned.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
main entrance
Dawn of the Dead is my favorite movie. It has been for over 15 years. Monroeville Mall, where it was shot, has always been my main pilgrimage destination. This weekend I was able to fulfill my dream by going to the HorrorHound weekend in Monroeville. Not only that, but I got to see the film screened AT the mall. There was an incident, and they were unable to turn out the lights, but the experience was was still really cool. I got to meet some really cool people, and had a lot of fun.
I plan to make several more posts detailing some of the events and items acquired. While the trip there and back was taxing, it was well worth it for all the new lovely experiences.
I plan to make several more posts detailing some of the events and items acquired. While the trip there and back was taxing, it was well worth it for all the new lovely experiences.
Posted by
Chris Hopper
2:33 PM
Monday, June 09, 2008
It has been a very nice couple of weeks. I got good news at the bank that could make home ownership possible within the next few months....woohoo. I was able to get a nice shiny new iMac... again, woohoo. I was able to beat Grand Theft Auto 4, and have got almost all of the xbox 360 achievements knocked out for it. I was able to get our landlady to fix our air conditioner... Giant WOOHOO. June has already brought the new season of the Venture Bros. (the first episode was phenomenal!), and will soon bring the season premiere of Weeds! All of these things are great, but the biggest event is yet to come. We are going to the HorrorHound weekend in Monroeville, PA in a couple of weeks. Yep, Monroeville, as in the home of the original Dawn of the Dead. The convention is across the street from the Monroeville Mall, where they shot Dawn of the Dead. On top of that they are screening the original Dawn of the Dead at the mall! This is like the ultimate geekgasm for me. There are going to be members from the cast there including the Krishna zombie. Plus, as if that isn't good enough, there is going to be a screening of the last movie in Argento's Three Mothers trilogy, Mother of Tears. I could not be more excited. On the bad side of things, I have been in a bit of a creative slump. I can only hope that the good things from this month can help inspire and point me in a better direction.
Posted by
Chris Hopper
3:47 PM
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