Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Originally uploaded by cthopper93
I went to Renfro Valley with Mom a few weeks ago. They were putting on a musical/play called "Spring in the Valley". I really cannot stand Country music, but to be fair this was more Bluegass than Country. Never the less, I was not really fond of the music. Don't get me wrong, the performers were very good at what they did, but it is just not the type of music I like. On the other hand, I had a bag full of cameras filled with expired Velvia film. This made the night very interesting. The very animated nature of some of the performers gave me some fantastic action shots (like Mount Vernon Mayor Clarice Kirby, pictured). I got more metaphysical shots from this event than a night at the old Glyndon Hotel (one stinking orb). While the Glyndon was beautiful, and a wonderful experience for our Anniversary, I think the new barn at Renfro Valley may be a little more haunted :-)

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