Monday, June 09, 2008


Originally uploaded by cthopper93
It has been a very nice couple of weeks. I got good news at the bank that could make home ownership possible within the next few months....woohoo. I was able to get a nice shiny new iMac... again, woohoo. I was able to beat Grand Theft Auto 4, and have got almost all of the xbox 360 achievements knocked out for it. I was able to get our landlady to fix our air conditioner... Giant WOOHOO. June has already brought the new season of the Venture Bros. (the first episode was phenomenal!), and will soon bring the season premiere of Weeds! All of these things are great, but the biggest event is yet to come. We are going to the HorrorHound weekend in Monroeville, PA in a couple of weeks. Yep, Monroeville, as in the home of the original Dawn of the Dead. The convention is across the street from the Monroeville Mall, where they shot Dawn of the Dead. On top of that they are screening the original Dawn of the Dead at the mall! This is like the ultimate geekgasm for me. There are going to be members from the cast there including the Krishna zombie. Plus, as if that isn't good enough, there is going to be a screening of the last movie in Argento's Three Mothers trilogy, Mother of Tears. I could not be more excited. On the bad side of things, I have been in a bit of a creative slump. I can only hope that the good things from this month can help inspire and point me in a better direction.

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