Thursday, March 02, 2006

Halfer Duo

I have been overwhelmed these past few days with a horrible addiction, Half Life 2 for the Xbox. The game is just so good. Just when you get to a point where you think, "how could this game be more innovative?" The game will deliver something else new and exciting. The gravity gun is really cool, but not as cool as leading your giant insect minions to battle the evil Foot Soldiers and Zombies! Then there is the score... Wow! Powerful, emotional... Hearing in 5.1 is just amazing. I am very impressed with this game and am not even 3/4 of the way through it. I am about 10 hours into it and have loved every minute of it. It is just stunning the way the puzzles are set up to advance from one place to another. I really can't say anything bad about the game at all. It is challenging in many aspects, but very rewarding as well. With every challenge comes a great sense of accomplishment. I am taking a rest tonight, but I hope to get to play for a very long time tomorrow.

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